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Code execution

To execute your code you need to

  1. have a binary, which is the result of code compilation,
  2. create a slurm job script,
  3. submit the slurm jobs script.
Submission of a job
blogin> sbatch myjobscipt.slurm
Submitted batch job 8028673
blogin> ls slurm-8028673.out

The examples for slurm job scripts, e.g. myjobscipt.slurm, that cover the setup

  • n nodes,
  • 1 OpenMP code running.

When using OpenMPI, binding is controlled using the –-bind-to parameter. To bind processes to cores, use --bind-to core. Possible other values can be found in the man page.

mpirun --bind-to core ./yourprogram

Our hardware supports hyperthreading, allowing you start 192 processes on Cascade Lake machines (*96 partitions) and 80 on Skylake machines.

If no specific requests regarding the number of tasks has been done, mpirun defaults to hyperthreading and starts cores*2 processes. If a number of tasks has been specified (with -N and/or --tasks-per-node), an (Open) mpirun honors this via the flag -map-by. For example:

Hyperthreading active, 80/192 Processes per Node will be started

module load gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/gcc.9/4.1.4


mpirun -map-by ppr:$cpus_per_node:node ./yourexe
Hyperthreading disabled, 96 processes per node are started.
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 96

module load gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/gcc.9/4.1.4


mpirun -map-by ppr:$tasks_per_node:node ./yourexe
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