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Installing a new R release and a bundle of default user packages is streamlined with some scripts.

Installing R

  1. Make a new directory. It is strongly suggested, to follow the template /sw/viz/R/R-4.0.2/skl. Copy the installation scripts into this directory. Do not forget, other members of the sw-group may need to install here too.

    $ cd /sw/viz/R/R-4.0.2/skl
    $ cp ../../scripts/* .
    $ chmod g+rwX *
  2. Edit the script getR and update the version number.
  1. Run getR. This downloads the requested version of R, inflates und unpacks the tar-file and renames the source directory into build.

$ cd /sw/viz/R/R-4.0.2/skl
$ cp ../../scripts/* .
$ chmod g+rwX *

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