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The GNU Scientific Library (GSL)- a numerical library for C and C++ programmers


The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers. It is free software under the GNU General Public License.

Read more on the GSL home page


VersionBuild DateInstallation Pathmodulefilecompiler
GSL /2.505-feb-2019/sw/numerics/gsl/2.5gsl/2.5_gcc.8.2gcc/8.2.0
GSL /2.505-feb-2019/sw/numerics/gsl/2.5gsl/2.5_intel.18intel/18.0.5
GSL /2.505-may-2019/sw/numerics/gsl/2.5/gsl/2.5_intel.19intel/19.0.3

In addition, the libgslcbls and FORTRAN- interface FGSL (1.2.0) are provided. Both, the shared and the static version are available.

For a manual consult the online manual or download the pdf . For the FORTRAN interface see FGSL wikibook .

Modules and usage of GSL at HLRN

The library is included in several software packages. A module file gives access to a few binaries, gsl-config, gsl-histogram, gsl-randist.

module load gsl/version

sets environmental variables:

  • PATH

module help gsl/version

delivers the path to the libraries. Sophisticated tools and programmers use gsl-config of pkg-config.

Installation at HLRN

GSL is build from source. The current version is build with several compilers. High end optimisation is used.All libraries passed through the basic checks. With high end optimoisation with intel compilers the linear algebra solvers do not converge. fp-model strict is used. read more

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