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You can use srun  to start multiple job steps concurrently on a single node, e.g. if your job is not big enough to fill a whole node. There are a few details to follow:

  • By default, the srun command gets exclusive access to all resources of the job allocation and uses all tasks
    • you therefore need to limit srun to only use part of the allocation
    • this includes implicitly granted resources, i.e. memory and GPUs
    • the --exact flag is needed.
    • if running non-mpi programs, use the -c option to denote the number of cores, each process should have access to
  • srun  waits for the program to finish, so you need to start concurrent processes in the background
  • Good default memory per cpu values (without hyperthreading) are usually are:







Four concurrent Programs
#SBATCH -p standard96
#SBATCH -t 06:00:00

srun --exact -n1 -c 10 --mem-per-cpu 3770M  ./program1 &
srun --exact -n1 -c 80 --mem-per-cpu 3770M  ./program2 &
srun --exact -n1 -c 6 --mem-per-cpu 3770M  ./program3 &

Run a single GPU program four times concurrently
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00

srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
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