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The following GPU partitions are available on the GPU partition of system Lise.

Partition nameNodesGPUs per nodeGPU hardwareDescription
gpu-a100364NVIDIA Tesla A100 80GB full node exclusive
gpu-a100:shared54NVIDIA Tesla A100 80GB shared node access, exclusive use of the requested GPUs
gpu-a100:shared:mig128 (4 x 7)1 to 28 1g.10gb A100 MIG slices

shared node access, shared GPU devices via Multi Instance GPU. Each of the four GPUs is logically split into usable seven slices with 10 GB of GPU memory associated to each slice

Example: Exclusive usage of two nodes
$ srun --nodes=2 --partition=gpu-a100 example_cmd



Example: Request two GPUs within the shared partition
# Note: The two GPUs may be located on different nodes.
$ srun --gpus=2 --partition=gpu-a100:shared example_cmd
Example: Request a single Multi Instance GPU slice on the according Slurm partition
$ srun --gpus=1 --partition=gpu-a100:shared:mig example_cmd

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