Status of System
Lise at NHR@ZIB
Latest News
20.12. - File system fail > system down at least till evening
20.12. 17:00 - System is open for user access.
20.12. 13:00 - First MPI and I/O tests on CLX are successful. Reboot of GPU and Genoa cluster is outstanding.
20.12. 10:00 - Patches are applied (e.g. fix of inconsistent MTU sizes affecting the interplay of OPA-, IB-network, and GPFS storage).
19.12. 18:00 - The filesystem is still unstable. System access is blocked for the night - ongoing maintenance by IBM developer team.
19.12. 15:30 - Critical issues related to the new IBM storage system (home/work) begin. With vendor support we are working to fix it ASAP.
09.12. - File system replacement
Data has to be migrated before Jan 15th 2025.
Until Jan 15th the old WORK directories are available under /old-scratch/usr, /old-scratch/projects and /old-scratch/share.
More information you find on File system replacement.