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  • The main proposal document follows the Proposal Format. These documents will be is to uploaded as the main proposal document in the JARDS portal.

Deadlines and schedule

Compute Project proposals can be submitted via JARDS at all times. In the quarter beginning with the submission deadline (cf. below) the review process takes place . The project starts with the quarter following the review phase and is granted for a lifetime of 12 months.

Submission deadlines are 15th of January, April, July, and October. 

The next deadline is 15th of January 2024, 23:59. In case of a positive review, compute resources are granted starting first of april 2024.

The proposals for both sites are reviewed by the Scientific Board. Review results and final decisions are delivered typically two weeks prior to the project start (begin of the quarter).

Compute time for a Compute Project

A funded Compute Project contains a compute capacity in core hour.

  • At the beginning of each quarter the account is granted by the number of core hours following the funding decision for the given compute project. A project account holds at least 300 k core hours per quarter.
  • Unused core hours are transferred to the subsequent quarter, but only one time.
  • In case of problems with your compute capacity in core hours in your project account please contact your consultant. This might affect the
    • application for additional core hours,
    • movement of core hours between quarters.

Guide and assistance for the JARDS portal
