Compute Project

Submit a proposal

To submit a proposal for a Compute Project, please

Deadlines and schedule

next deadlinenext project start for granted projects
15th of October 2024, 23:591st of January 2025
  • This deadline is the only valid deadline for NHR@ZIB and it is an extension of the NHR wide deadlineThe NHR wide deadline is only the joint deadline for all NHR centres.
  • The proposals are reviewed by the Scientific Board. Meeting a deadline for submission enables the temporal course for the review process. In general submission deadlines are at the beginning of January, April, July, and October. Review results and final decisions are delivered typically two weeks prior to the project start (begin of the quarter).

Compute time for a Compute Project

A funded Compute Project contains a compute capacity in core hour.

  • At the beginning of each quarter the account is granted by the number of core hours following the funding decision for the given compute project. A project account holds at least 300 k core hour per quarter.
  • Unused core hours are transferred to the subsequent quarter, but only one time.
  • In case of problems with your compute capacity in core hours in your project account please contact your consultant. This might affect the
    • application for additional core hours,
    • movement of core hours between quarters.

Guide and assistance for the JARDS portal

Please go to the JARDS portal and start your application by choosing

NHR Normal“, if you want to apply for less than 20 Mio core-hours/year. If you plan to apply for more than 20 Mio core-hours/year, choose  „NHR Large“ (if you apply only for GPU-hours, choose NHR-Large for more than 15 Mio core-hours/yearAccounting lists the value of a GPU in terms of core-hours).

Please note: for "NHR Large"-projects, the "Whitelist" option  is not applicable any more.

  • PLEASE DO NOT USE NHR-Test/Preperation !
    At NHR@ZIB every personal user account automatically can use computing time (75 kcoreh/quarter)
    so there is no need for a "test project". Apply for a personal user account at Portal NHR@ZIB.  

Go on by choosing „NHR@ZIB“

On this page („E-Mail Callback“), please enter your e-mail. You will receive a mail with a link to start your application . This e-mail will be used for identification so please use your official e-mail and always the same. 

Start the actual application by pressing

„New NHR Project Application“

- even if you apply for an extension !

(„extension“ will be used in the future if you extend an existing jards-application) 

That is, in the current phase there are only

"New NHR Projekt Applikations". 

If your project is already running at NHR@ZIB / NHR@Göttingen, please provide your project id in the "Remarks" section at the end and also refer to it in the pdf.



If you are Principal Investigator and Person of contact (PC and PI), you can check „Apply as both, PI and PC“, otherwise please provide the data of both persons. 

Complete the data.

Do NOT enter a Project ID  (it will be set automatically).

„compute period“ is (usually):

01.10 – 30.09 (1 year).

You might apply for a shorter period (in full quarters).

Select your DFG classification.

And answer if your project is a collaboration.

Please provide all other relevant projects of your GROUP

(that is, projects with the same PI and in the same area). 

Please enter the requested computing time in Million Core hours (CPU).

Total first, then divided in quarters. 

Some questions about software etc. follow. 

Please answer questions about your usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - if you do not use AI, you do not need to answer these questions. 

If you want to apply for GPU computing time, please enter the values in GPU-hours, that is hours of a single gpu (not a full node). 

Also for GPU usage, some questions about the environment have to be answered.

Please enter your planned storage requests on the file systems Home, Work and Perm  (this does NOT mean that this storage will be reserved for you). Bigger storage requests should be described even more precise. 

These questions should be answered if you have "unusual" I/O requests.

You can upload only  3 PDF Files.

1.) the "actual application", created with the given template.

2.) a public abstract (for our web server) - easy to understand.

3.) All other documents , e.g. other reviews, publications etc., have to be combined in a single PDF. 

You might use free tools like PDF-Shuffler to do so. 

Then, please upload the combined PDF as „Supporting material“ .

Please provide your NHR@ZIB / NHR@Göttingen project id here if you have one,

e.g. "bem00027". You might submit any other remarks here.

Finally, you have to sign your application. After pressing  „Finalize“, a summary to sign will be created for you. 

You might upload it on jards or send it by e-mail to  .

Of course, you might also send it to :

Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss der NHR@ZIB und NHR@Göttingen - Geschäftsstelle -
c/o Zuse-Institut-Berlin
Takustr. 7
D-14195 Berlin