Project account
NHR center NHR@ZIB follows NHR-wide regulations.
- A User Account accesses a project account containing units of core hour. A project account can be a Test Project or a Compute Project.
- A batch job on the compute system is charged by a number of core hour to measure the usage.
- Usage of persistent storage including the tape library are currently not accounted.
Charge rates
NHR@ZIB operates system Lise with different Compute partitions. Properties for available (slurm-)partitions you find on the pages
Each partition holds a specific charge rate.
Compute partition | Slurm partition | Charge (core hour) per 1 node per 1 h occupancy time | Remark |
cpu-clx | 96 | ||
cpu-clx:test | |||
cpu-clx:ssd | |||
cpu-clx:large | 144 | high memory layout | |
cpu-clx:huge | 192 | high memory layout | |
CPU Genoa partition | cpu-genoa cpu-genoa:test | 192 | |
GPU A100 partition | gpu-a100 | 600 | four NVidia A100 (80 GB) per compute node |
gpu-a100:shared | 150 per GPU | 600 for four NVidia A100 (80 GB) per node | |
gpu-a100:shared:mig | 21.43 per MiG slice | four NVidia A100 (80 GB) splitted each into two 2g.10gb slices (8 per node and currently 24 in total) and one 3g.20gb slice (4 per node and currently 12 in total) | |
GPU PVC partition | gpu-pvc | free of charge1 | test phase |
Job charge
The charge of core hours for a batch job depends on the number of nodes, the wallclock time used by the job, and the charge rate for the partition used. For a batch job with
a number of nodes n,
running with a wallclock time of t hours, and
- on a partition with a charge rate charge_p
the job charge charge_j yields
charge_j = n * t * charge_p
A job on 10 nodes running for 3 hours on partition huge96 (= 192 core hour) yields a job charge of 5760 core hour.
Batch jobs running in the partition large96:shared access a subset of cores on a node. For a reservation of cores, the number of nodes is the appropriate node fraction.
A job on 48 cores on partition large96:shared (96 cores per node, 144 core hour) has a reservation for
num = 48/96 = 0.5 nodes. Assuming a wallclock time of 3 hours yields a job charge of 216 core hour.