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Hints for fair usage of the shared WORK ressource: Metadata Usage on WORK

Using slurm batch system

To run your applications on the systems, you need to go through our batch system/scheduler: Slurm. The scheduler uses meta information about the job (requested node and core count, wall time, etc.) and then runs your program on the compute nodes, once the resources are available and your job is next in line. For a more in depth introduction, visit our Slurm documentation.

We distinguish two kinds of jobs:

  • Interactive job execution
  • Job script execution

Resource specification

To request resources, there are multiple flags to be used when submitting the job.


-p <name>


Job scripts

Please go to our webpage CPU CLX partition for more details about job scripts. For introduction, standard batch system jobs are executed applying the following steps:

  1. Provide (write) a batch job script, see the examples below.
  2. Submit the job script with the command sbatch (sbatch
  3. Monitor and control the job execution, e.g. with the commands squeue and scancel (cancel the job).

Job Accounting

Accounting gives you more information about job accounting.
