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The compute nodes of the CPU cluster of system Lise are organised via the following slurm partitions.


See Slurm usage how to pass the 12h walltime limit with job dependencies.

Charge rates

Charge rates for the slurm partitions you find in Accounting.

Fat-Tree Network of Lise

See OPA Fat Tree network of Lise

Emmy (Göttingen)


Partition (number holds cores per node)


Max. walltime


Usable memory MB per node


CPU, GPU type




2 dedicated

+6 on demand


747 000


1522 000


very fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessing


8 dedicated

+64 on demand


181 000


764 000


2 dedicated

+2 on demand


764 000


2 dedicated

+6 on demand


500 000 MB per node

(40GB HBM per GPU)


see /wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/428683


Skylake  6148 + 4 Nvidia V100 32GB,

Zen3 EPYC 7513 + 4 NVidia A100 40GB,

and Zen2 EPYC 7662 + 8 NVidia A100 80GB


764 000 MB (32 GB per GPU)

or 500 000 MB (10GB or 20GB HBM per MiG slice)


Skylake  6148 + 4 Nvidia V100 32GB,

Zen3 EPYC 7513 + 4 NVidia A100  40GB splitted in 2g.10gb and 3g.20gb slices


150 per GPU (V100)

or 47 per MiG slice (A100)

see /wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/428683

A100 GPUs are split into slices via MIG (3 slices per GPU)


764 000 MB (32 GB per GPU)

or 500 000 MB (10GB or 20GB HBM per MiG slice)


Skylake  6148 + 4 Nvidia V100 32GB,

Zen3 EPYC 7513 + 4 NVidia A100  40GB splitted in 2g.10gb and 3g.20gb slices


150 per GPU (V100)

or 47 per MiG slice (A100)

* 600 for the nodes with 4 GPUs, and 1200 for the nodes with 8 GPUs

Which partition to choose?


An overview of all partitions and node statuses is provided by: sinfo -r
To see detailed information about a nodes type: scontrol show node <nodename>

Charge rates

Charge rates for the slurm partitions you find in Accounting.

Fat-Tree Network of Lise

See OPA Fat Tree network of Lise

List of CPUs and GPUs

Short nameLink to manufacturer specificationsWhere to findUnits per node

Cores per unit

Clock speed

Cascade 9242Intel Cascade Lake Platinum 9242 (CLX-AP)Lise and Emmy compute partitionsCPU partition "Lise"2482.3
Cascade 4210Intel Cascade Lake Silver 4210 (CLX)blogin[1-8], glogin[3-86]2102.2
Skylake  6148Intel Skylake Gold 6148Emmy compute partitions2202.4
Skylake 4110Intel Skylake Silver 4110glogin[1-2]282.1Tesla V100NVIDIA
Tesla V100 32GBEmmy grete partitions4


Tesla A100NVIDIA Tesla A100 40GB and 80GBEmmy grete partitions

GPU A100 partition

4 or 8


*Tensor Cores / CUDA FP64 Cores