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The NHR system consists of two independent systems named Lise (named after Lise Meitner) and Emmy (named after Emmy Noether). The systems are located at the Zuse Institute Berlin (Lise) and the University of Göttingen (Emmy). Overall, the NHR system consists of 1270 compute nodes with 121,920 cores in total. You can learn more about the system and the differences between the sites on the HLRN NHR website.

System Lise at NHR@ZIB consists of two partitions, the CPU partition and GPU partition. The GPU partition is under development with a specific documentation for power users GPU.


The webpage Software gives you information about available software on the HLRN NHR systems.

HLRN NHR provides a number of compilers and software packages for parallel computing and (serial) pre- and postprocessing:


Environment Modules are used at HLRN to manage the access to software/libraries. The module command offers the following functionality.


To run your applications on the HLRNsystems, you need to go through our batch system/scheduler: Slurm. The scheduler uses meta information about the job (requested node and core count, wall time, etc.) and then runs your program on the compute nodes, once the resources are available and your job is next in line. For a more in depth introduction, visit our Slurm documentation.


titleOpenMP job

Requesting 1 large node with 96 CPUs (physical cores) for 20 minutes, and then using 192 hyperthreads

#SBATCH -t 00:20:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=96
#SBATCH -p large96:test

# This binds each thread to one core
# Number of threads as given by -c / --cpus-per-task
export KMP_AFFINITY=verbose,scatter

hello_world > hello.output

Job Accounting

The webpage Accounting and NPL gives you more information about job accounting.

Every batch job on Lise and Emmy is accounted. The account (project) which is debited for a batch job can be specified using the sbatch parameter --account <account>. If a batch job does not state an account (project), a default is taken from the account database. It defaults to the personal project of the user, which has the same name as the user. Users may modify their default project by visiting the HLRN service Service portal.

Getting Help

HLRN help: For questions, please contact the HLRN support crew