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The compute nodes of the CPU cluster of system Lise are organised via the following slurm Slurm partitions.

Partition name

Node numbercount


Main memory (GB)

Max. nodes
per job

Max. jobs per user (running/ queued)per user

Walltime Wall time limit (hh:mm:ss)Remark
standard96cpu-clx1204688Cascade 924236251216

128 / 500

12:00:00default partition
standard96cpu-clx:test32 dedicated
+128 on demand
362 161 / 50001:00:00test nodes with higher priority but lower walltimeless wall time
large9628747816 128 / 50012:00:00fat memory nodes
large96:test2 dedicated
+2 on demand
74721 / 5001001:00:00fat memory test nodes with higher priority but lower walltimeless wall time
large96:shared2 dedicated747116 128 / 50048:00:00fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessingpost-processing
huge9621522116 128 / 50024:00:00

very fat memory nodes for data pre- and postprocessingpost-processing

See Slurm usage how to pass the 12h walltime wall time limit with job dependencies.


If you do not request a partition, your job will be placed in the default partition, which is standard96.

The default partitions are partition is suitable for most calculations. The :test partitions are, as the name suggests, intended for shorter and smaller test runs. These have a higher priority and a few dedicated nodes, but are limited in time and number of nodesprovide only limited resources. Shared nodes are suitable for pre- and postprocessingpost-processing. A job running on a shared node is only accounted for its core fraction (cores of job / all cores per node). All non-shared nodes are exclusive to one job only at a time.

The available home/local-ssd/work/perm storages file systems are discussed in under Storage Systems.

An For an overview of all Slurm partitions and node statuses is provided bystatus of nodes: sinfo -r
To see For detailed information about a particular nodes type: scontrol show node <nodename>

Charge rates

Charge rates for the slurm partitions you find in Slurm partitions can be found under Accounting.

Fat-Tree Communication Network of Lise

See OPA Fat Tree network of Lise

List of CPUs


Short nameLink to manufacturer specificationsWhere to findUnits per node

Cores per unit

Clock speed

Cascade 9242Intel Cascade Lake Platinum 9242 (CLX-AP)CPU partition "Lise"2482.3
Cascade 4210Intel Cascade Lake Silver 4210 (CLX)blogin[1-6]2102.2Tesla A100NVIDIA Tesla A100 40GB and 80GB

GPU A100 partition


