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An interactive data analysis and visualisation tool with 3D rendering capability


ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application with interactive 3D or programmatical batch processing capabilities

Read more on ParaView home page. For a manual visit the Paraview Guide page.


VersionInstallation pathmodule filecompilercomment


paraview/5.0.1OpenMPIAvailable in Emmy (HLRN-IV Gö)




Available in  Emmy (HLRN-IV Gö) and Lise (HLRN-IV Ber)

Example Use

  1. @HLRN: Start interactive job. If a lot of memory is needed, especially the fat nodes are suitable:

    srun --partition=large96 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=96 --mem=747000mb --pty bash
  2. @HLRN: Load prerequisite modules

    module load gcc/9.2.0
    module load openmpi/gcc.9
    module load anaconda3
    module load llvm
    module load paraview
  3. @HLRN: Start Paraview-Server on your fat node bfn####

    mpirun -n $SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE pvserver

    Wait a few seconds till your Paraview-Server provides a connection, typically with the port number 11111.

    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
  4. @local: Start a ssh tunnel on your preferred terminal to access the port of the fat node via a login node of the HLRN

    ssh -N -L 11111:bfn####:11111 <user>@blogin.hlrn.de

    Leave this terminal window open to keep the tunnel running. Before setting up a ssh tunnel check if your standard ssh login works. If you are a windows user without a proper terminal we recommend MobaXterm.

     ‎‏‏‎ ‎
  5. @local: Start your ParaView client GUI and access your Paraview-Server at


    Please note: the version of your local ParaView client has to be the same as the remote Paraview-Server. You can download various ParaView versions here. After calling "module load paraview" the version of the loaded module will be displayed. Currently it is 5.7.

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