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Arm DDT ("DDT") is a parallel debugger and part of the Arm Forge software suite. You can find more information at Arm DDT Get Started
DDT is installed on HLRN IV and easiest used via a connection to a locally running GUI.

  1. download and install the Arm Forge Client for Mac/Windows/Linux for the same minor version as installed on HLRN (currently 20.1) at https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/server-and-hpc/downloads/arm-forge
  2. open the installed program and adapt the settings for the HLRN installation:
    Click on "Configure...", next click on "Add", then add a connection name: HLRN-IV Berlin or Göttingen, put the hostname of a login node which you can reach via your ssh setup, set the remote installation directory to /sw/tools/allinea/forge-20.1.3
  3. adapt your job script to initiate a debugging session. We recommend to use less than 8 nodes and if possible the testing queues. Also recompile your code with debugging information enabled "-g" and disable optimizations "-O0" to avoid reordering of instructions.
    Load the module

    module load forge/20.1.3

    in you job script and prefix your srun/mpirun call with

    ddt –connect srun app

  4. relaunch your local client, you should receive a "Reverse connection request", which you accept. This starts your debugging session.

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