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This script intends to install libaec together with HDF5. For a separate installation read more here.

Put this script in the directory, where the libaec-tar file is unpacked.

Adjust the path, (PREFIX), where to install the library.

Adjust compiler and optimisation flags.


module load intel/2022.2
module load openmpi/intel/4.1.4

export COMPILER=intel.22
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicpc
export F77=mpifort
export FC=mpifort
export COMPOPT="-fPIC -O3 -qopt-zmm-usage=high -march=skylake-avx512 -mcmodel=medium -fargument-noalias-global -align -fp-model precise -shared-intel"


export BUILDDIR=build_aec_$COMPILER

parentdir="$(dirname "$(pwd)")"
export BUILDDIR=$parentdir
echo "building in "$BUILDDIR

export PREFIX=/sw/dataformats/hdf5-parallel/ompi/$COMPILER/1.12.2/skl
echo "building for "$PREFIX
echo "Press ENTER to configure";read aaa

export CFLAGS="  $COMPOPT -Wl,-rpath=$LD_RUN_PATH"
export CXXFLAGS="$COMPOPT -Wl,-rpath=$LD_RUN_PATH"
export FCFLAGS=" $COMPOPT -Wl,-rpath=$LD_RUN_PATH"
export LDLAGS="-O3 -fPIC"

../libaec-v1.0.6/configure --prefix=$PREFIX 

echo "Press ENTER to run make";read aaa
make -j2
echo "Press ENTER to run make check";read aaa
make check > check.out 2>&1 
echo "Press ENTER to run make install";read aaa
make install
echo "Do not forget to run make clean!"

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