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In case you want to bring/provide your own license to run a certain software on our systems take the following steps:

  1. Determine if you need to access your license server from our compute nodes, our login nodes, or both.
  2. Check, that your relevant license server ports are accessible from (compute nodes) and/or 130.73.234.[1-20] (login nodes), respectively.
    Usually, you need to ask your local admin to open your license server to external access from these IPs and ports.
    Please configure the ports of your license server statically (see remark *).
  3. Send a mail to support@nhr.zib.de including the name (FQDN), IP, and ports of your license server.
    In case your license server is inside a subnet, we also need to know the name/IP of its access point.
  4. Wait for our reply, that the corresponding IP forwarding rules are activated in our firewall/gateway.
  5. Test it (from our compute/login nodes):
    telnet your-license-server port
    This test ("Trying..") is positiv if the server answers:
    Escape character is '^]'.

*) FLEXlm license servers usually use two TCP ports ("SERVER" and "VENDOR"), and both of them need to be configured in the firewall/gateway. By default, the VENDOR port is dynamic (i.e. chosen randomly) and may change on restart of the license server. To remain accessible from our system, both SERVER and VENDOR ports need to be statically configured in the license server (VENDOR xyz port=1234). See also http://www.hlynes.com/2010/01/21/flexlm-license-servers-and-firewalls/

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