a Package for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
Below you find explanations to obtain and check out product licenses and regarding support and training.
Simulation of Turbulent flow in Arbitrary Regions - Computational Continuum Mechanics + (STAR-CCM+) is a C++ based finite-volume-based program package for modelling of fluid flow problems and beyond (it also includes FEM, etc.). It is developed by Siemens PLM Software (they bought CD-adapco). Today, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ can be applied to a wide range of multiphysics problems such as
- Fluid dynamics
- Conjugate heat transfer
- Multiphase flows
- Reacting flows
- Solid mechanics (FEM)
- Particle flows
- Rheology
- Electrochemistry
- Electromagnetics
- Aero-acoustics
- Fluid-structure interaction
Conditions for Usage and Licensing
Our STAR-CCM+ modules are restricted to members of the adapco user group.
You can apply to become a group member at - if your usage purpose is research/teaching, or if your are a student. Projects that are financed by industrial partners are not allowed. To check if you are a UNIX group member you can type: groups
Within the core-h limits of Test Projects (see test account) we provide free Power On Demand (POD) keys for teaching/academic research of non-industry funded projects.
If you fulfil these conditions simply write to
In order to run STAR-CCM+ you have to specify the parameter -podkey
, as shown in the Example Jobscripts below.
This page describes the specifics of installation and usage at NHR@ZIB systems only. A brief product overview is provided here. An introductory tutorial is accessible here.
Public documentation, tutorials and support - no registration needed
Everybody can access both the official User Guide (includes search function, click-by-click tutorials and files) and (anyone can contribute here). A PDF version of the User Guide is available on NHR@ZIB systems under /sw/eng/starccm/<version>/STAR-CCM+<version>/doc
. Tutorial case files can be found in /sw/eng/starccm/<version>/STAR-CCM+<version>/doc/startutorialsdata
resp. (with solutions) in /sw/eng/starccm/<version>/STAR-CCM+<version>/tutorials
, verification data in /sw/eng/starccm/<version>/STAR-CCM+<version>/VerificationData
Full support and training/courses - after registration
Students can register for free to search the entire support center (most extensive Q&A database of Siemens PLM) and attend the Xcelerator Academy for Academics (full self-paced courses for all levels).
Installed versions
module avail starccm
All versions use double precision. The recommended default module - providing all necessary environment settings - can be loaded with: module load starccm
Example Jobscripts
GUI client - Server - Connection
srun -p cpu-clx:test --tasks-per-node 96 --pty bash module load starccm starccm+ -np 96 -server -collab -power -podkey $PODKEY
The hostname and port information displayed after the server startup is needed later (see "Server::start -host ..."). The "-power" flag is needed due to license reasons. The "-collab" flag is needed if your local and remote user name differ. "-collab" allows anyone to attach to your server, but do not worry: our system forbids others to access your allocated exclusive compute nodes (Beside you only root can ssh there.).
Locally, the StarCCM client requires a password-less SSH connection, however du to security reasons NHR@ZIB allows password protected ssh keys only. To resolve this conflict on Linux/Mac systems run a ssh-agent in the background:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/your_private_key
Hence, you need to type your password only once. If you are on Windows using PuTTy please refer here.
Now you can start StarCCM locally, and connect via
with the following settings:
Here, you need to replace your username, the host name, and the port number #####, according to the screen output created after starting the remote server (see first step).
Known Issues
1. license failure
To check if the license server of CD-adapco is accessible type:
telnet 1999
This test (Trying ...) is positiv if the server answers (within a second):
Escape character is '^]'
Typically, after some minutes, a negative test outcome is indicated by:
telnet ... Connection timed out
2. starccm+ GUI startup issues (with older versions)
Warning message:
X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
starccm+ -mesa