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Application and control

A User Account (Nutzungskennung) is and Test Project are closely linked to a Test Projecteach other.

  • To apply for a User Account/Test Project, please follow the link User Application on the Portal NHR@ZIB.
  • Holding a User Account you can submit a project proposal, see Compute Project.
  • A User Account/Test Project can be controlled on Portal NHR@ZIB.


A User Account is closely linked to a Test Project for compute time.

  • Holding a User Account, automatically you are able to expend compute time within the limitations of a Test Project. At the beginning of each quarter, the Test Project is granted by 75 k core hour during the lifetime of the User Account. In reasonable and exceptional cases, the grant of the Test Project can be extended to 300 k core hour per quarter. For that, please contact your consultant. At the end of each quarter all remaining core hour in the Test Project are dropped.
  • With the User Account you have access to all Compute Project in which the User Account is a member in.
