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To become a user on the HLRN system please

  1. read Apply for a user account and
  2. apply for a user account on the HLRN service portal.

To obtain large compute resources please

  1. read then additionally you need to

On the web page Course of the Application Process the procedure to obtain system access is described.


Start a project

  1. Please apply for a User Account (which includes a Test Project) on Portal NHR@ZIB.
  2. Holding a User Account you can submit an application for a Compute Project.

For questions, please contact the support crew

Project types

Project typeSubtypeCompute time per quarter Review processCall

Test Project

Small75 kcore-h (up to 300k upon request)automatically created within a User Accountrolling

Compute Project

Normal300k - 5M core-h

Scientific board of NHR@ZIB together with NHR@Göttingen


simplified review by Scientific board
grant required by DFG/BMBF/NHR/GCS/EU 

Large-scale ("Großprojekt")

CPU system: more than 5M core-h
GPU system: more than 6.25 kGPU-h 

Scientific board of NHR@ZIB + NHR-Nutzungsausschuss