Data Manipulation

Add new Data Manipulation Software

  • AEC library — Adaptive Entropy Coding library
  • CDO — The Climate Data Operators
  • ECCODES — ECMWF application programming interface
  • HDF5 libraries / binaries — HDF5 - hierarchical data format
  • libtiff — A software package containing a library for reading and writing _Tag Image File Format_(TIFF), and a small collection of tools for simple manipulations of TIFF images
  • libz — A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
  • NCO — The NetCdf Operators
  • netCDF — Network Common Data Form
  • pigz — A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machine
  • PROJ — Cartographic Projections Library 
  • R — R - statistical computing and graphics
  • Szip — Szip, fast and lossless compression of scientific data
  • UDUNITS2 — Unidata UDUNITS2 Package, Conversion and manipulation of units

  • Boost – Boost C++ libraries
  • CGAL – The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library